Sting in Bedford

Sting’s concert in Bedford, not far from Cambridge. An event that was destined for me, for which I am so grateful. My boss (and dear friend) gave me the ticket, and it happened suddenly after a very busy week at work.

How did it go? It went that Sting is definitely a “Everlasting Father” as we say in Naples.

Perfect, incredible and inspirational. He opened with “Message in a bottle” (right for me) and closed with “Roxanne” (again definitely for me!)and “Fragile“.

Sting’s entrance on the stage and his “message in a bottle” 😆
Omg Roxanne!!

For me, it’s been amazing to find myself in his music “in person” with all the extra energy that comes with it. I thought about all the times I’ve listened to his songs over time, from when I was at my parents’ in my room with my sisters, and we played Subasio radio all night long (on my beautiful/beloved stereo) .. to the CDs we burned with his songs, to the summer in which I became obsessed with “Message in a bottle” while I was on a boat with some friends celebrating a very hot San Lorenzo night in the middle of the sea.

Magical like all things that proceed, dilate, become silent then come back, or simply hang up when it’s time, and explain themselves.

Sting is an artist who has never betrayed himself, who has never stopped creating and expressing exactly what he is and what he sees, deepening, growing, perfecting himself. How beautiful.


Author: Gilda K. Notarbartolo

Gilda Kiwua Notarbartolo è una Giornalista professionista e Filmmaker. Napoletana che vive tra il sud Italia e gli Uk, dove lavora come Manager a La Dante in Cambridge, European Cultural Centre e responsabile del podcast trilingue Radio Dante. Ama filmare e scrivere, la musica, la fotografia e l’arte in generale. Ha conseguito la laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione all’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli per poi guadagnare un Master in Film and Tv Production all’Anglia Ruskin University di Cambridge nel Regno Unito. Ama viaggiare e le sue vie di fuga e sopravvivenza sono le sue passioni e tutti i colori che cerca sempre ovunque si trovi. E` autrice di “Enlightened windows”, un documentario osservativo girato a Cambridge e ispirato ad artisti come Edward Hopper, al regista Hitchcock con la sua “Finestra sul cortile” e fotografi come Gail Albert Halaban e Michael Wolf. Il suo progetto principale e` il documentario che ha realizzato su “Il castello di Otranto” (primo romanzo gotico della storia ad opera dell’autore inglese Horace Walpole)

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